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Jenbacher S Oil 40 for non-natural gas

A strategic partnership with benefits for our customers.

Q8Oils and INNIO Group are combining strengths in a long-term partnership agreement for the global supply of lubricants for Jenbacher gas engines that operate on non-natural gas, including sewage gas, biogas and landfill gas.

Frank Rouwens customer benefits

"We are delighted to partner with world-class engine producer INNIO Group, bringing together Q8Oils’ leading technology in gas engine lubrication and INNIO Group's world-leading expertise in designing and building gas engines."

Frank Rouwens, General Manager Q8Oils

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Andreas Kunz customer benefits

"This partnership will be a key driver to continue to improve the performance of our non-natural gas engines in an environmentally friendly way."

Andreas Kunz, Chief Technology Officer INNIO Group


The high performance Jenbacher gas engine oil for non-natural gas

Customer testifies: 15,000 operating hours exceeded with no oil drain

Bioenergie Aspach in Austria has depended on Jenbacher engines since 2005. When the J312 F-version engine went into operation in 2020, the oil tank was filled with Jenbacher S Oil 40 – the high-performing oil engineered by the experts from INNIO Group and Q8Oils. After passing the 15,000 operating-hour milestone without the need for oil drain, the oil was reported in good condition with safe distance to condemning limits. 

"With Jenbacher S Oil 40, we were able to run the engine for more than 15,000 operating hours without an oil drain. Thanks to this, we have avoided engine downtime, while reducing our operational costs."

Johann Angleitner-Kettl, Managing Director Bioenergie Aspach Verein & Co KG

Watch the video to see how the customer benefits from the Jenbacher S Oil 40.

Key Features

  • Lower operational costs
  • High TBN retention
  • Excellent protection and anti-wear properties
  • Exceptional Condemning Limits


Engine protection

  • High-performing stationary gas engine oil with an excellent oxidation stability and firstrate acid neutralization abilities.
  • Exceptional performance in operations with high H2S content gases.

Enhanced Technology

  • The superior additive technology protects the combustion chamber excessive deposit formation and provides an outstanding TBN-retention.

Extended drain

  • The latest additive technologies and premium hydrocracked base fluids provide maximal protection and engine cleanliness. This results in an extended drain interval and a significant reduction of the total operational costs.


Jenbacher S Oil 40 is a high-performing synthetic (hydrocracked) oil for stationary gas engines. This medium-ash product is specifically developed for engines running under severe conditions in non-natural gas applications (biogas, sewage, landfill, woodgas, etc.). Jenbacher S Oil 40 provides an increased drain interval (by on average 80% longer). The special used oil limits for this product provide a reliable operation with an extended oil drain, reducing life cycle costs significantly.


Jenbacher S Oil 40 is approved for the whole range of Jenbacher non-natural gas engines Type 2, Type 3, Type 4 and Type 6. Jenbacher S Oil 40 is approved for extended used oil limits following the Technical Instruction TA 1000-0099B (Limit levels for used oil in Jenbacher gas engines). For the latest approvals, check Jenbacher’s technical instructions TA 1000-1109.

Jenbacher S Oil 40 can be used for all series of Jenbacher engines Type 2, Type 3, Type 4 and Type 6, operating on various types of non-natural gases.







Q8 oils innio jenbacher s oil 40 pail Density, 15° C  D 4052 g/ml 0.862
Viscosity grade     SAE 40
Kinematic Viscosity, 40° C D 445 mm²/s 90.0
Kinematic Viscosity, 100° C D 445 mm²/s 13.4
Viscosity Index D 2270   150
Total Base Number D 2896  mg KOH/g 8.0
Pour Point D 97 °C -18
Flash Point, COC D 92 °C 258
Sulfated Ash D 874 % mass 0.79
Copper Strip 3h, 100° C D 130   1


The figures above are not a specification. They are typical figures obtained within production tolerances

oil life in innio jenbacher j320

For more information on Jenbacher S Oil 40     PLEASE VISIT Q8 OILS

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