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INNIO Sustainability

Furnace Gases

Steel producers: create your own fuel.

In the steel industry, you need a lot of power — and energy costs are rising. Fortunately, there’s an energy source that is closer than you think: Gases created as a „free“ by-product during steel production processes can provide efficient power generation.

In addition to the economic benefit these gases provide, using them as engine fuel reduces industrial CO2 emissions and saves natural energy sources. Jenbacher offers specially modified gas engines that make efficient use of three different steel gases—coke gas, blast furnace gas, and converter gas—for combined generation of heat and electricity, while managing the gases’ varying compositions.

Steel Gas - Technical Scheme EN

Furnace gas power generation benefits

Solutions Benefis Graphic

  • Alternative disposal of a challenging gas while simultaneously harnessing it as an energy source
  • Reduced energy costs, and greater predictability and stability
  • Efficient and economic combined heat and electricity supply
  • High electrical efficiency compared to other power generation technology (e.g., steam or gas turbines)
  • Full power in 10 minutes
  • Considerably low gas pressure required
  • Reduced greenhouse gas
  • Long intervals between overhauls, due to simple, high-quality construction

Experience our webinar to learn more about Jenbacher's CHP solutions

Jenbacher North American team invites you to review the recording of our recent webinar, to learn how Jenbacher can help you develop your power plant projects, including equipment design and performance, using hydrogen and much more!

In the webinar, you will learn more about:

    • Overview of an independent power plant and its components

    • Jenbacher’s highly efficient type 6 genset

    • Our hydrogen power generation solutions

    • How proven equipment design improves performance

    • Power generation solutions with quick delivery and easy installation

The information provided is relevant for the North American market. Please reach out to our experts to discuss your project.

Get access to the recording

Our experts are ready to help you!

Looking for onsite power solutions?
Need access to electricity? We’re there for you.
Want to lower your energy costs, or even sell electricity back to your local grid?

INNIO’s regional experts can help you figure out the Jenbacher solution that best meets your needs. With a free consultation, you can:

  • Explore the advantages of onsite power generation solutions for your company
  • Discover how to use economic modeling for added financial benefit
  • Get answers on the technical aspects of your project—including fuel types, feasibility studies, and equipment and balance of plant selection
  • Learn how to take advantage of regional incentive programs
  • Review the delivery options for your project: purchasing, financing, leasing, and engaging a service provider, such as ESCO or BOO
  • Find out how to meet emissions targets

Fill out the following contact form or send us an email to Let's get started!

Resources & Downloads

Send us a message and we’ll contact you to start the conversation.

Whether your business is looking for onsite power solutions, access to electricity, decreased energy costs, or even to sell electricity back to your local grid/consumers, Jenbacher regional experts can advise you on which solution makes the most sense for you.


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